1 dozen new Golf Balls, Byron Optimist Sports Complex Silent Auction 2021, Auctions (Byron Baseball)

Byron Optimist Sports Complex Silent Auction 2021 Item: 1 dozen new Golf Balls
  • From: BMO, Value: $40, Minimum Bid: $5, Increment: $5
    1 dozen new Golf Balls
    Current Bid
    1 dozen new Golf Balls
    Titleist DT Trusoft
Bids For This Item
  • $25Sep 28, 2021 4:32:47 PM - MD
  • $20Sep 25, 2021 7:22:56 PM - OptimistCB
  • $15Sep 25, 2021 7:15:40 PM - Laura
  • $10Sep 25, 2021 7:01:39 PM - OptimistCB
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Auction Details
Silent Auction to support the Byron Optimist Sports Complex. The Sports complex consists of 3 soccer fields and 3 baseball diamonds and has been in operation since 1979. The complex if fully funded by the Optimist Club of Byron and its user groups Byron Soccer and Byron Baseball. The city of London provides no financial support so any funds raised at the golf tournament and this silent auction will go along way to support the youth in our communtiy. If you are a winning bidder look for an email from [email protected] with details of paying be etransfer and then volunteers will work to distribute prizes to you shortly after.
Total Amount Raised:
We have reached our goal of $1,200.00!
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